Charging Plasma Cannon Tutorial
This tutorial makes a Plasma Cannon weapon that charges while the fire trigger is held down, and fires when released. It has many projectile sizes and strengths based on it's level of charge. Also, the amount of ammo used is based on the size of the projectile. Recommended for only heavies. This tut uses the plasma gun damageType, you may want to add a plasma cannon damageType for it instead.
Step #1
// ------------------------------------------
// inventoryHud.cs
// ------------------------------------------
$InvWeapon[11] = "Plasma Cannon";
$NameToInv["Plasma Cannon"] = "PlasmaCannon";
1b) Add this to buyFavorites and buyDeployableFavorites
case PlasmaCannon:
%client.player.setInventory( PlasmaCannonAmmo, 400 );
Step #2
// ------------------------------------------
// weapons.cs
// ------------------------------------------
$WeaponsHudData[14, bitmapName] = "gui/hud_plasma";
$WeaponsHudData[14, itemDataName] = "PlasmaCannon";
$WeaponsHudData[14, ammoDataName] = "PlasmaCannonAmmo";
$WeaponsHudCount = 14;
Step #3
// ------------------------------------------
// inventory.cs
// ------------------------------------------
3a) Add this with all the other 'case' in the function
function ShapeBase::hasAmmo( %this, %weapon )
switch$ ( %weapon )
case PlasmaCannon:
return( %this.getInventory( PlasmaCannonAmmo ) > 0 );
3b) Add this with all the other cleared items
function ShapeBase::clearInventory(%this)
%this.setInventory(PlasmaCannon, 0);
%this.setInventory(PlasmaCannonAmmo, 0);
function serverCmdGiveAll(%client)
%player.setInventory(PlasmaCannon, 1);
%player.setInventory(PlasmaCannonAmmo, 999);
Step #4
// ------------------------------------------
// player.cs
// ------------------------------------------
4a) Add to player armor datablocks. Probably only want to give it to heavies.
max [PlasmaCannon] = 1;
max [PlasmaCannonAmmo] = 100;
4b) Add these to function armor::applyConcussion
if( %weaps[14] = %player.getInventory("PlasmaCannon") > 0 ) %numWeapons++;
case 14:
Step #5
// ------------------------------------------
// hud.cs
// ------------------------------------------
Ignore this step if you use any server side reticle workarounds.
function clientCmdSetWeaponsHudActive(%slot)
case "PlasmaCannon":
Step #6
// ------------------------------------------
// Ammopack.cs
// ------------------------------------------
Add ammo to ammopack, to increase with it.
$ammoItem[9] = PlasmaCannonAmmo;
$numAmmoItems = 10;
datablock ItemData(AmmoPack)
max[PlasmaCannonAmmo] = 50;
Step #7
// ------------------------------------------
// OptionsDlg.cs
// ------------------------------------------
$RemapName[$RemapCount] = "Plasma Cannon";
$RemapCmd[$RemapCount] = "usePlasmaCannon";
Step #8
// ------------------------------------------
// ControlDefaults.cs
// ------------------------------------------
function usePlasmaCannon( %val )
if ( %val )
use( PlasmaCannon );
Step #9
// ------------------------------------------
// PlasmaCannon.cs
// ------------------------------------------
Create a file called PlasmaCannon.cs in your weapon's directory. Add all this into it.
// Plasma Cannon
// Force-Feedback Effects
datablock EffectProfile(PlasmaCannonSwitchEffect)
effectname = "weapons/plasma_rifle_activate";
minDistance = 2.5;
maxDistance = 2.5;
datablock EffectProfile(PlasmaCannonFireEffect)
effectname = "weapons/plasma_fire";
minDistance = 2.5;
maxDistance = 2.5;
datablock EffectProfile(PlasmaCannonDryFireEffect)
effectname = "weapons/plasma_dryfire";
minDistance = 2.5;
maxDistance = 2.5;
datablock EffectProfile(PlasmaCannonIdleEffect)
effectname = "weapons/plasma_rifle_idle";
minDistance = 2.5;
datablock EffectProfile(PlasmaCannonReloadEffect)
effectname = "weapons/plasma_rifle_reload";
minDistance = 2.5;
maxDistance = 2.5;
datablock EffectProfile(PlasmaCannonExpEffect)
effectname = "explosions/explosion.xpl10";
minDistance = 10;
maxDistance = 25;
// Sounds
datablock AudioProfile(PlasmaCannonSwitchSound)
filename = "fx/weapons/plasma_rifle_activate.wav";
description = AudioClosest3d;
preload = true;
effect = PlasmaCannonSwitchEffect;
datablock AudioProfile(PlasmaCannonFireSound)
filename = "fx/weapons/plasma_rifle_fire.wav";
description = AudioDefault3d;
preload = true;
effect = PlasmaCannonFireEffect;
datablock AudioProfile(PlasmaCannonIdleSound)
filename = "fx/weapons/plasma_rifle_idle.wav";
description = ClosestLooping3d;
preload = true;
//effect = PlasmaCannonIdleEffect;
datablock AudioProfile(PlasmaCannonReloadSound)
filename = "fx/weapons/plasma_rifle_reload.wav";
description = Audioclosest3d;
preload = true;
effect = PlasmaCannonReloadEffect;
datablock AudioProfile(PlasmaCannonExpSound)
filename = "fx/explosions/explosion.xpl10.wav";
description = AudioExplosion3d;
effect = PlasmaCannonExpEffect;
datablock AudioProfile(PlasmaCannonProjectileSound)
filename = "fx/weapons/plasma_rifle_projectile.WAV";
description = ProjectileLooping3d;
preload = true;
datablock AudioProfile(PlasmaCannonDryFireSound)
filename = "fx/weapons/plasma_dryfire.wav";
description = AudioClose3d;
preload = true;
effect = PlasmaCannonDryFireEffect;
datablock AudioProfile(PlasmaCannonFireWetSound)
filename = "fx/weapons/plasma_fizzle.wav";
description = AudioClose3d;
preload = true;
// Explosion
datablock ParticleData(PlasmaCannonExplosionParticle)
dragCoefficient = 2;
gravityCoefficient = 0.2;
inheritedVelFactor = 0.2;
constantAcceleration = 0.0;
lifetimeMS = 750;
lifetimeVarianceMS = 150;
textureName = "particleTest";
colors[0] = "0.56 0.36 0.26 1.0";
colors[1] = "0.56 0.36 0.26 0.0";
sizes[0] = 0.5;
sizes[1] = 2;
datablock ParticleEmitterData(PlasmaCannonExplosionEmitter)
ejectionPeriodMS = 7;
periodVarianceMS = 0;
ejectionVelocity = 5;
velocityVariance = 1.0;
ejectionOffset = 0.0;
thetaMin = 0;
thetaMax = 60;
phiReferenceVel = 0;
phiVariance = 360;
overrideAdvances = false;
particles = "PlasmaCannonExplosionParticle";
datablock ExplosionData(PlasmaCannonBoltExplosion)
explosionShape = "effect_plasma_explosion.dts";
soundProfile = PlasmaCannonExpSound;
particleEmitter = PlasmaCannonExplosionEmitter;
particleDensity = 150;
particleRadius = 1.25;
faceViewer = true;
sizes[0] = "1.0 1.0 1.0";
sizes[1] = "1.0 1.0 1.0";
times[0] = 0.0;
times[1] = 1.5;
datablock ExplosionData(PlasmaCannonBoltExplosion2)
explosionShape = "effect_plasma_explosion.dts";
soundProfile = PlasmaCannonExpSound;
particleEmitter = PlasmaCannonExplosionEmitter;
particleDensity = 150;
particleRadius = 2.5;
faceViewer = true;
sizes[0] = "1.5 1.5 1.5";
sizes[1] = "1.5 1.5 1.5";
times[0] = 0.0;
times[1] = 1.5;
datablock ExplosionData(PlasmaCannonBoltExplosion3)
explosionShape = "effect_plasma_explosion.dts";
soundProfile = PlasmaCannonExpSound;
particleEmitter = PlasmaCannonExplosionEmitter;
particleDensity = 150;
particleRadius = 3.75;
faceViewer = true;
sizes[0] = "2.25 2.25 2.25";
sizes[1] = "2.25 2.25 2.25";
times[0] = 0.0;
times[1] = 1.5;
datablock ExplosionData(PlasmaCannonBoltExplosion4)
explosionShape = "effect_plasma_explosion.dts";
soundProfile = PlasmaCannonExpSound;
particleEmitter = PlasmaCannonExplosionEmitter;
particleDensity = 150;
particleRadius = 5.00;
faceViewer = true;
sizes[0] = "3.375 3.375 3.375";
sizes[1] = "3.375 3.375 3.375";
times[0] = 0.0;
times[1] = 1.5;
datablock ExplosionData(PlasmaCannonBoltExplosion5)
explosionShape = "effect_plasma_explosion.dts";
soundProfile = PlasmaCannonExpSound;
particleEmitter = PlasmaCannonExplosionEmitter;
particleDensity = 150;
particleRadius = 6.25;
faceViewer = true;
sizes[0] = "5.0625 5.0625 5.0625";
sizes[1] = "5.0625 5.0625 5.0625";
times[0] = 0.0;
times[1] = 1.5;
datablock ExplosionData(PlasmaCannonBoltExplosion6)
explosionShape = "effect_plasma_explosion.dts";
soundProfile = PlasmaCannonExpSound;
particleEmitter = PlasmaCannonExplosionEmitter;
particleDensity = 150;
particleRadius = 7.5;
faceViewer = true;
sizes[0] = "7.59 7.59 7.59";
sizes[1] = "7.59 7.59 7.59";
times[0] = 0.0;
times[1] = 1.5;
// Splash
datablock ParticleData(PlasmaCannonMist)
dragCoefficient = 2.0;
gravityCoefficient = -0.05;
inheritedVelFactor = 0.0;
constantAcceleration = 0.0;
lifetimeMS = 400;
lifetimeVarianceMS = 100;
useInvAlpha = false;
spinRandomMin = -90.0;
spinRandomMax = 500.0;
textureName = "particleTest";
colors[0] = "0.7 0.8 1.0 1.0";
colors[1] = "0.7 0.8 1.0 0.5";
colors[2] = "0.7 0.8 1.0 0.0";
sizes[0] = 0.5;
sizes[1] = 0.5;
sizes[2] = 0.8;
times[0] = 0.0;
times[1] = 0.5;
times[2] = 1.0;
datablock ParticleEmitterData(PlasmaCannonMistEmitter)
ejectionPeriodMS = 5;
periodVarianceMS = 0;
ejectionVelocity = 3.0;
velocityVariance = 2.0;
ejectionOffset = 0.0;
thetaMin = 85;
thetaMax = 85;
phiReferenceVel = 0;
phiVariance = 360;
overrideAdvances = false;
lifetimeMS = 250;
particles = "PlasmaCannonMist";
datablock ParticleData( PlasmaCannonSplashParticle2 )
dragCoeffiecient = 0.4;
gravityCoefficient = -0.03; // rises slowly
inheritedVelFactor = 0.025;
lifetimeMS = 600;
lifetimeVarianceMS = 300;
textureName = "particleTest";
useInvAlpha = false;
spinRandomMin = -200.0;
spinRandomMax = 200.0;
colors[0] = "0.7 0.8 1.0 1.0";
colors[1] = "0.7 0.8 1.0 0.5";
colors[2] = "0.7 0.8 1.0 0.0";
sizes[0] = 0.5;
sizes[1] = 1.0;
sizes[2] = 2.0;
times[0] = 0.0;
times[1] = 0.5;
times[2] = 1.0;
datablock ParticleEmitterData( PlasmaCannonSplashEmitter2 )
ejectionPeriodMS = 25;
ejectionOffset = 0.2;
periodVarianceMS = 0;
ejectionVelocity = 2.25;
velocityVariance = 0.50;
thetaMin = 0.0;
thetaMax = 30.0;
lifetimeMS = 250;
particles = "PlasmaCannonSplashParticle2";
datablock ParticleData( PlasmaCannonSplashParticle )
dragCoefficient = 1;
gravityCoefficient = 0.2;
inheritedVelFactor = 0.2;
constantAcceleration = -0.0;
lifetimeMS = 600;
lifetimeVarianceMS = 0;
textureName = "special/droplet";
colors[0] = "0.7 0.8 1.0 1.0";
colors[1] = "0.7 0.8 1.0 0.5";
colors[2] = "0.7 0.8 1.0 0.0";
sizes[0] = 0.5;
sizes[1] = 0.5;
sizes[2] = 0.5;
times[0] = 0.0;
times[1] = 0.5;
times[2] = 1.0;
datablock ParticleEmitterData( PlasmaCannonSplashEmitter )
ejectionPeriodMS = 1;
periodVarianceMS = 0;
ejectionVelocity = 3;
velocityVariance = 1.0;
ejectionOffset = 0.0;
thetaMin = 60;
thetaMax = 80;
phiReferenceVel = 0;
phiVariance = 360;
overrideAdvances = false;
orientParticles = true;
lifetimeMS = 100;
particles = "PlasmaCannonSplashParticle";
datablock SplashData(PlasmaCannonSplash)
numSegments = 15;
ejectionFreq = 0.0001;
ejectionAngle = 45;
ringLifetime = 0.5;
lifetimeMS = 400;
velocity = 5.0;
startRadius = 0.0;
acceleration = -3.0;
texWrap = 5.0;
texture = "special/water2";
emitter[0] = PlasmaCannonSplashEmitter;
emitter[1] = PlasmaCannonSplashEmitter2;
emitter[2] = PlasmaCannonMistEmitter;
colors[0] = "0.7 0.8 1.0 0.0";
colors[1] = "0.7 0.8 1.0 1.0";
colors[2] = "0.7 0.8 1.0 0.0";
colors[3] = "0.7 0.8 1.0 0.0";
times[0] = 0.0;
times[1] = 0.4;
times[2] = 0.8;
times[3] = 1.0;
// Projectile
datablock ParticleData(PlasmaCannonParticle)
dragCoefficient = 2.75;
gravityCoefficient = 0.1;
inheritedVelFactor = 0.2;
constantAcceleration = 0.0;
lifetimeMS = 550;
lifetimeVarianceMS = 0;
textureName = "particleTest";
colors[0] = "0.46 0.36 0.26 1.0";
colors[1] = "0.46 0.36 0.26 0.0";
sizes[0] = 0.25;
sizes[1] = 0.20;
datablock ParticleEmitterData(PlasmaCannonRifleEmitter)
ejectionPeriodMS = 3;
periodVarianceMS = 0;
ejectionVelocity = 10;
velocityVariance = 1.0;
ejectionOffset = 0.0;
thetaMin = 0;
thetaMax = 12;
phiReferenceVel = 0;
phiVariance = 360;
overrideAdvance = true;
particles = "PlasmaCannonParticle";
// Projectile
datablock LinearFlareProjectileData(PlasmaCannonBolt1)
projectileShapeName = "plasmabolt.dts";
scale = "2.0 2.0 2.0";
faceViewer = true;
directDamage = 0.0;
hasDamageRadius = true;
indirectDamage = 0.3;
damageRadius = 5.0;
kickBackStrength = 0.0;
radiusDamageType = $DamageType::Plasma;
explosion = "PlasmaCannonBoltExplosion";
splash = PlasmaCannonSplash;
dryVelocity = 151.875;
wetVelocity = -1;
velInheritFactor = 0.3;
fizzleTimeMS = 4938;
lifetimeMS = 5938;
explodeOnDeath = false;
reflectOnWaterImpactAngle = 0.0;
explodeOnWaterImpact = true;
deflectionOnWaterImpact = 0.0;
fizzleUnderwaterMS = -1;
//activateDelayMS = 100;
activateDelayMS = -1;
size[0] = 0.1;
size[1] = 0.25;
size[2] = 0.05;
numFlares = 35;
flareColor = "1 0.75 0.25";
flareModTexture = "flaremod";
flareBaseTexture = "flarebase";
sound = PlasmaCannonProjectileSound;
fireSound = PlasmaCannonFireSound;
wetFireSound = PlasmaCannonFireWetSound;
hasLight = true;
lightRadius = 3.0;
lightColor = "1 0.75 0.25";
datablock LinearFlareProjectileData(PlasmaCannonBolt2)
projectileShapeName = "plasmabolt.dts";
scale = "3.0 3.0 3.0";
faceViewer = true;
directDamage = 0.0;
hasDamageRadius = true;
indirectDamage = 0.75;
damageRadius = 7.5;
kickBackStrength = 0.0;
radiusDamageType = $DamageType::Plasma;
explosion = "PlasmaCannonBoltExplosion2";
splash = PlasmaCannonSplash;
dryVelocity = 101.25;
wetVelocity = -1;
velInheritFactor = 0.3;
fizzleTimeMS = 7407;
lifetimeMS = 8407;
explodeOnDeath = true;
reflectOnWaterImpactAngle = 0.0;
explodeOnWaterImpact = true;
deflectionOnWaterImpact = 0.0;
fizzleUnderwaterMS = -1;
//activateDelayMS = 100;
activateDelayMS = -1;
size[0] = 0.2;
size[1] = 0.5;
size[2] = 0.1;
numFlares = 35;
flareColor = "1 0.75 0.25";
flareModTexture = "flaremod";
flareBaseTexture = "flarebase";
sound = PlasmaCannonProjectileSound;
fireSound = PlasmaCannonFireSound;
wetFireSound = PlasmaCannonFireWetSound;
hasLight = true;
lightRadius = 3.0;
lightColor = "1 0.75 0.25";
datablock LinearFlareProjectileData(PlasmaCannonBolt3)
projectileShapeName = "plasmabolt.dts";
scale = "4.5 4.5 4.5";
faceViewer = true;
directDamage = 0.0;
hasDamageRadius = true;
indirectDamage = 1.25;
damageRadius = 11.25;
kickBackStrength = 0.0;
radiusDamageType = $DamageType::Plasma;
explosion = "PlasmaCannonBoltExplosion3";
splash = PlasmaCannonSplash;
dryVelocity = 67.5;
wetVelocity = -1;
velInheritFactor = 0.3;
fizzleTimeMS = 11111;
lifetimeMS = 12111;
explodeOnDeath = true;
reflectOnWaterImpactAngle = 0.0;
explodeOnWaterImpact = true;
deflectionOnWaterImpact = 0.0;
fizzleUnderwaterMS = -1;
//activateDelayMS = 100;
activateDelayMS = -1;
size[0] = 0.3;
size[1] = 0.75;
size[2] = 0.15;
numFlares = 35;
flareColor = "1 0.75 0.25";
flareModTexture = "flaremod";
flareBaseTexture = "flarebase";
sound = PlasmaCannonProjectileSound;
fireSound = PlasmaCannonFireSound;
wetFireSound = PlasmaCannonFireWetSound;
hasLight = true;
lightRadius = 3.0;
lightColor = "1 0.75 0.25";
datablock LinearFlareProjectileData(PlasmaCannonBolt4)
projectileShapeName = "plasmabolt.dts";
scale = "6.75 6.75 6.75";
faceViewer = true;
directDamage = 0.0;
hasDamageRadius = true;
indirectDamage = 1.85;
damageRadius = 16.875;
kickBackStrength = 0.0;
radiusDamageType = $DamageType::Plasma;
explosion = "PlasmaCannonBoltExplosion4";
splash = PlasmaCannonSplash;
dryVelocity = 45.0;
wetVelocity = -1;
velInheritFactor = 0.3;
fizzleTimeMS = 16667;
lifetimeMS = 17667;
explodeOnDeath = true;
reflectOnWaterImpactAngle = 0.0;
explodeOnWaterImpact = true;
deflectionOnWaterImpact = 0.0;
fizzleUnderwaterMS = -1;
//activateDelayMS = 100;
activateDelayMS = -1;
size[0] = 0.4;
size[1] = 1.0;
size[2] = 0.2;
numFlares = 35;
flareColor = "1 0.75 0.25";
flareModTexture = "flaremod";
flareBaseTexture = "flarebase";
sound = PlasmaCannonProjectileSound;
fireSound = PlasmaCannonFireSound;
wetFireSound = PlasmaCannonFireWetSound;
hasLight = true;
lightRadius = 3.0;
lightColor = "1 0.75 0.25";
datablock LinearFlareProjectileData(PlasmaCannonBolt5)
projectileShapeName = "plasmabolt.dts";
scale = "10.125 10.125 10.125";
faceViewer = true;
directDamage = 0.0;
hasDamageRadius = true;
indirectDamage = 2.45;
damageRadius = 25.3125;
kickBackStrength = 0.0;
radiusDamageType = $DamageType::Plasma;
explosion = "PlasmaCannonBoltExplosion5";
splash = PlasmaCannonSplash;
dryVelocity = 30.0;
wetVelocity = -1;
velInheritFactor = 0.3;
fizzleTimeMS = 25000;
lifetimeMS = 26000;
explodeOnDeath = true;
reflectOnWaterImpactAngle = 0.0;
explodeOnWaterImpact = true;
deflectionOnWaterImpact = 0.0;
fizzleUnderwaterMS = -1;
//activateDelayMS = 100;
activateDelayMS = -1;
size[0] = 0.5;
size[1] = 1.25;
size[2] = 0.25;
numFlares = 35;
flareColor = "1 0.75 0.25";
flareModTexture = "flaremod";
flareBaseTexture = "flarebase";
sound = PlasmaCannonProjectileSound;
fireSound = PlasmaCannonFireSound;
wetFireSound = PlasmaCannonFireWetSound;
hasLight = true;
lightRadius = 3.0;
lightColor = "1 0.75 0.25";
datablock LinearFlareProjectileData(PlasmaCannonBolt6)
projectileShapeName = "plasmabolt.dts";
scale = "15.1875 15.1875 15.1875";
faceViewer = true;
directDamage = 0.0;
hasDamageRadius = true;
indirectDamage = 3.0;
damageRadius = 37.969;
kickBackStrength = 0.0;
radiusDamageType = $DamageType::Plasma;
explosion = "PlasmaCannonBoltExplosion6";
splash = PlasmaCannonSplash;
dryVelocity = 20.0;
wetVelocity = -1;
velInheritFactor = 0.3;
fizzleTimeMS = 37500;
lifetimeMS = 40000;
explodeOnDeath = true;
reflectOnWaterImpactAngle = 0.0;
explodeOnWaterImpact = true;
deflectionOnWaterImpact = 0.0;
fizzleUnderwaterMS = -1;
//activateDelayMS = 100;
activateDelayMS = -1;
size[0] = 0.6;
size[1] = 1.5;
size[2] = 0.3;
numFlares = 35;
flareColor = "1 0.75 0.25";
flareModTexture = "flaremod";
flareBaseTexture = "flarebase";
sound = PlasmaCannonProjectileSound;
fireSound = PlasmaCannonFireSound;
wetFireSound = PlasmaCannonFireWetSound;
hasLight = true;
lightRadius = 3.0;
lightColor = "1 0.75 0.25";
// Ammo
datablock ItemData(PlasmaCannonAmmo)
className = Ammo;
catagory = "Ammo";
shapeFile = "ammo_plasma.dts";
mass = 1;
elasticity = 0.2;
friction = 0.6;
pickupRadius = 2;
pickUpName = "some plasma cannon ammo";
// Weapon
datablock ItemData(PlasmaCannon)
className = Weapon;
catagory = "Spawn Items";
shapeFile = "weapon_plasma.dts";
image = PlasmaCannonImage;
mass = 1;
elasticity = 0.2;
friction = 0.6;
pickupRadius = 2;
pickUpName = "a plasma cannon";
datablock ShapeBaseImageData(PlasmaCannonImage)
className = WeaponImage;
shapeFile = "weapon_plasma.dts";
item = PlasmaCannon;
showname = "Plasma Cannon";
ammo = PlasmaCannonAmmo;
offset = "0 0 0";
projectile = PlasmaCannonBolt;
projectileType = LinearFlareProjectile;
stateName[0] = "Activate";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[0] = "ActivateReady";
stateTimeoutValue[0] = 0.5;
stateSequence[0] = "Activate";
stateSound[0] = PlasmaCannonSwitchSound;
stateName[1] = "ActivateReady";
stateTransitionOnLoaded[1] = "Ready";
stateTransitionOnNoAmmo[1] = "NoAmmo";
stateName[2] = "Ready";
stateTransitionOnNoAmmo[2] = "NoAmmo";
stateTransitionOnTriggerDown[2] = "Charge";
stateName[3] = "Charge";
stateTransitionOnNoAmmo[3] = "NoAmmo";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[3] = "Charge";
stateTimeoutValue[3] = 0.1;
stateScript[3] = "onCharge";
stateTransitionOnTriggerUp[3] = "CheckWet";
stateName[4] = "Fire";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[4] = "Reload";
stateTimeoutValue[4] = 0.1;
stateFire[4] = true;
stateRecoil[4] = LightRecoil;
stateAllowImageChange[4] = false;
stateScript[4] = "onFire";
stateEmitterTime[4] = 0.2;
stateSound[4] = PlasmaCannonFireSound;
stateName[5] = "Reload";
stateTransitionOnNoAmmo[5] = "NoAmmo";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[5] = "Ready";
stateTimeoutValue[5] = 0.6;
stateAllowImageChange[5] = false;
stateSequence[5] = "Reload";
stateSound[5] = PlasmaCannonReloadSound;
stateName[6] = "NoAmmo";
stateTransitionOnAmmo[6] = "Reload";
stateSequence[6] = "NoAmmo";
stateTransitionOnTriggerDown[6] = "DryFire";
stateName[7] = "DryFire";
stateSound[7] = PlasmaCannonDryFireSound;
stateTimeoutValue[7] = 1.5;
stateTransitionOnTimeout[7] = "NoAmmo";
stateName[8] = "WetFire";
stateSound[8] = PlasmaCannonFireWetSound;
stateTimeoutValue[8] = 1.5;
stateTransitionOnTimeout[8] = "Ready";
stateName[9] = "CheckWet";
stateTransitionOnWet[9] = "WetFire";
stateTransitionOnNotWet[9] = "Fire";
function PlasmaCannonImage::onCharge(%data, %obj, %slot)
if (%obj.cannonfire == 0)
%obj.cannonfire = 2;
%obj.cannonfire += 1;
if (%obj.cannoncount $= "")
%obj.cannoncount = 2;
%obj.cannoncount += 1;
if (%obj.cannoncount > 10)
%obj.cannoncount = 1;
if ((%obj.cannonfire < 100) && (%obj.cannoncount == 1))
%message = "Plasma Cannon " @ %obj.cannonfire @ "\% Charged.";
CommandToClient(%obj.client, 'BottomPrint', %message, 2, 1 );
else if (%obj.cannoncount == 1)
%message = "Plasma Cannon Fully Charged!";
CommandToClient(%obj.client, 'BottomPrint', %message, 2, 1 );
function PlasmaCannonImage::onFire(%data, %obj, %slot)
if ((%obj.cannonfire > 99) && (%obj.getInventory( %data.ammo ) > 19))
%datab = PlasmaCannonBolt6;
%ammoloss = 20;
else if ((%obj.cannonfire > 79) && (%obj.getInventory( %data.ammo ) > 14))
%datab = PlasmaCannonBolt5;
%ammoloss = 15;
else if ((%obj.cannonfire > 59) && (%obj.getInventory( %data.ammo ) > 9))
%datab = PlasmaCannonBolt4;
%ammoloss = 10;
else if ((%obj.cannonfire > 39) && (%obj.getInventory( %data.ammo ) > 4))
%datab = PlasmaCannonBolt3;
%ammoloss = 5;
else if ((%obj.cannonfire > 19) && (%obj.getInventory( %data.ammo ) > 1))
%datab = PlasmaCannonBolt2;
%ammoloss = 2;
%datab = PlasmaCannonBolt1;
%ammoloss = 1;
%p = new (%data.projectileType)() {
dataBlock = %datab;
initialDirection = %obj.getMuzzleVector(%slot);
initialPosition = %obj.getMuzzlePoint(%slot);
sourceObject = %obj;
sourceSlot = %slot;
vehicleObject = %vehicle;
if (isObject(%obj.lastProjectile) && %obj.deleteLastProjectile)
%obj.lastProjectile = %p;
%obj.deleteLastProjectile = %data.deleteLastProjectile;
// AI hook
%obj.client.projectile = %p;
%obj.decInventory(%data.ammo, %ammoloss);
%obj.cannonfire = 0;
%obj.cannoncount = 2;
function PlasmaCannonImage::onUnmount(%this, %obj, %slot)
%obj.cannonfire = 0;
%obj.cannoncount = 2;